"Hey Charity, the weather report says we're in for a really bad storm this weekend. Why don't you run down to the store and pick me up a couple cases of beer and a couple cartons of cigarettes to hold me over till Monday. Oh, and don't forget a case of water. You know how parched I am in the morning after drinking all night. I can guzzle down two bottles in under 30 seconds," Apathy smirked as he got up from his well-worn recliner and tossed two crisp $100 bills on the table.
Charity glanced over at her roommate with tears in her eyes as she heard Apathy's words and thought about what she was viewing on her computer screen. As she glanced back to the screen she read "Every 22 seconds a child dies for lack of clean water." Her heart melted inside her as she thought about the complacent attitude of Apathy.
"Lord, how can a person be so insensitive to the hurts and needs of others in this world?" she whispered under her breath. "What'd you say?" said Apathy. "Nothing" Charity retorted as she whisked the money from the table and shot out the door sobbing. "Man," thought Apathy "what's wrong with her, she obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
As Charity was driving down the road she was having a conversation with Jesus, "Father, please soften the heart of Apathy, let him understand the error of his ways. Let him see himself for who he really is, a sinner in need of a Savior. Change his heart and his ways that he might care about others and quit thinking about himself and his own needs and wants all the time."
As Charity spoke to Jesus, Apathy was back at the house viewing what she had left on the computer screen. A little girl with big brown eyes, bare feet and a dirty face was staring back at him. A flashing caption above her little face read, "My brother died yesterday, I'm dying for water this day, will you save my life by giving me a cup of water?" He immediately clutched his heart as if something struck him deep down inside. He fell to his knees and cried out, "Oh God forgive me for my lack of love and for my apathetic heart!"
Upon her return from the store Charity opened the door and found Apathy sobbing at the table and crying to the Lord. "Charity, I'm so sorry, I've been so blind. God has richly blessed me with wealth and I have done nothing but spend it on me and on those things that bring me comfort. I've been a spoiled-rotten brat all my life, but that's over now. Take my credit card and donate $5000.00 to Water4. I'm taking this beer and these cigarettes back to the store for a refund. I just met the man who long ago offered that living water and suddenly I no longer thirst for these things."
When Apathy got back from the store he began packing a bag. He smiled at Charity and said I'm on my way to the mission field to help dig a low cost well for the thirsty. Thank you Charity for praying for me, God answered your prayer.
Charity looked up toward heaven, smiled and said, "Thank you Jesus for you hear the prayers of your children and you meet the needs of those who thirst both physically and spiritually. Praise Your holy name!"