Thursday, September 6, 2012

Is America Heading Here?

There's two hurricane's stalling in the Atlantic could it be of prophetic proportions? Click on Is America Heading Here? This is  a message to end all messages. Don't miss it?

Pray For America!

~God Bless!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Is Your Face Set Like Flint? - The King's Tranz4md Scribe

Is Your Face Set Like Flint? - The King's Tranz4md Scribe

Hi everyone,

I realize I haven't been here lately to blog and I understand people expect to see something new when they return and when they find nothing, of course, they lose interest.

Now, if you will, put the shoe on the other foot and think about the writer who takes time to write worthy articles thinking people will appreciate what they have to share and finding when they check their stats they've had only a few visitors.

For those of you who are bloggers you know what I'm talking about. It takes time to write, there are many more components to getting your message out than just the words.

Writing is a passion for me and sharing Jesus Christ is even a greater passion. I spend many hours a day working on a website and I enjoy every minute of it because I am reaching out to people with THE TRUTH about Jesus Christ.

The King's Tranz4md Scribe has many great articles, videos, and resources of things about God not a lot of people know. I have spent hours researching the magnificence of our Creator God and facts about Him that others have learned and shared. I am gathering all of the information and sharing much of it in one place.

Visiting the website affords people the opportunity to see all of these marvels of God in one place without going on an excavation hunt to find them. We all know time is a valuable commodity and if you don't have a great deal of it to spend finding these things then just come visit and be amazed at the wonder of our Creator.

I am building a new page right now that will be loaded with videos of the proof of the existence of God also known as apologetics.

I will occasionally come back to Blogger to post certain items of interest here but my main objective is to build traffic to The King's Tranzmd Scribe so people can find out much about God in one place.

If you have any kind of questions or doubts about God you may just find your answer at The King's Tranz4md Scribe however the ultimate place to look, of course, is in THE BOOK, His Holy Word!

God bless you all and I pray you will be encouraged by what I have shared on the website!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Meet Charity and Apathy

"Hey Charity, the weather report says we're in for a really bad storm this weekend. Why don't you run down to the store and pick me up a couple cases of beer and a couple cartons of cigarettes to hold me over till Monday. Oh, and don't forget a case of water. You know how parched I am in the morning after drinking all night. I can guzzle down two bottles in under 30 seconds," Apathy smirked as he got up from his well-worn recliner and tossed two crisp $100 bills on the table.

Charity glanced over at her roommate with tears in her eyes as she heard Apathy's words and thought about what she was viewing on her computer screen. As she glanced back to the screen she read "Every 22 seconds a child dies for lack of clean water." Her heart melted inside her as she thought about the complacent attitude of Apathy. 

"Lord, how can a person be so insensitive to the hurts and needs of others in this world?" she whispered under her breath. "What'd you say?" said Apathy. "Nothing" Charity retorted as she whisked the money from the table and shot out the door sobbing. "Man," thought Apathy "what's wrong with her, she obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." 

As Charity was driving down the road she was having a conversation with Jesus, "Father, please soften the heart of Apathy, let him understand the error of his ways. Let him see himself for who he really is, a sinner in need of a Savior. Change his heart and his ways that he might care about others and quit thinking about himself and his own needs and wants all the time." 

As Charity spoke to Jesus, Apathy was back at the house viewing what she had left on the computer screen. A little girl with big brown eyes, bare feet and a dirty face was staring back at him. A flashing caption above her little face read, "My brother died yesterday, I'm dying for water this day, will you save my life by giving me a cup of water?" He immediately clutched his heart as if something struck him deep down inside. He fell to his knees and cried out, "Oh God forgive me for my lack of love and for my apathetic heart!" 

Upon her return from the store Charity opened the door and found Apathy sobbing at the table and crying to the Lord. "Charity, I'm so sorry, I've been so blind. God has richly blessed me with wealth and I have done nothing but spend it on me and on those things that bring me comfort. I've been a spoiled-rotten brat all my life, but that's over now. Take my credit card and donate $5000.00 to Water4. I'm taking this beer and these cigarettes back to the store for a refund. I just met the man who long ago offered that living water and suddenly I no longer thirst for these things."

When Apathy got back from the store he began packing a bag. He smiled at Charity and said I'm on my way to the mission field to help dig a low cost well for the thirsty. Thank you Charity for praying for me, God answered your prayer. 

Charity looked up toward heaven, smiled and said, "Thank you Jesus for you hear the prayers of your children and you meet the needs of those who thirst both physically and spiritually. Praise Your holy name!"   

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pray For Our Pastors

I love listening to James MacDonald and Walk in the Word, Michael Youceff and Leading The Way, and David Jeremiah from Turning Point. Not only them, but many other pastors I find on share the Word of God in truth. They don't sugar-coat God's word. They speak by the power of the Holy Spirit within them to lead the flock God has placed in their counsel along the right path.

These men genuinely fear the Lord. By the grace of God, they understand the gravity of the position they hold. They take seriously James words found in James 3:1 that says, "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement."

I'm not placing them on a pedestal because they like the rest of us are human beings; capable of falling just as we all are, but I pray for these men as I listen to the messages they share asking God to continue to keep them in His hands, to continue to guide them with His Spirit and that they continue to submit themselves to God in all things so there will be no possibility for the enemy to destroy their testimonies.

Do you pray for our spiritual leaders? Do you know they face an even greater attack from the enemy because Satan is out to silence the Truth. He's out to deceive the world because he knows how short his time is and he would love nothing more than for one of these men to fall and bring contempt upon the body of Christ.

The evil one is a liar, a mocker, an accuser, and a thief, among many other detestable character traits. I urge everyone who is a brother or sister in Christ to lift these faithful men up to the Lord daily and ask God to protect them against the enemy's attempt to assail them.

It would do us all well to get our minds off ourselves and place them on others, praying fervently for our brothers and sisters daily. Let me ask you something, would you admit that we, especially in America, have an ungrateful spirit?

Do you stop and thank God everyday for the things we so carelessly take for granted? What if tomorrow you have no running water, no electricity, no food to eat, and no roof over your head? If we are honest we get frustrated at the least little thing that goes wrong, or doesn't continue its duty to perform in giving us the creature comforts we think we so greatly deserve.


America along with the rest of the world is in for a rude awakening. I pray men and women will prepare their hearts through the knowledge and truth of God's Holy Word that they may be able to withstand the foreshadowing troubles of the very near future. I also pray if you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior that today will be the day you do.

People, pray for our true spiritual leaders and pray God will deliver all of His children from the tumult soon to come. He is shortening the days, do you sense it?

Learn to play Christian music on piano today

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

Tomorrow night Tuesday, July 10 at 9 p.m. ET there is going to be a special 3-hour report on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report with host speaker Steve Quayle. The title is "Famine & the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." 

A Revolution Radio article stated that it will "focus on the intersection of current events and biblical prophecy. Global economic apocalypse, increased tensions in the Middle East, drought, wildfires, natural and man-made disasters are causing people with discernment to question whether we are seeing the beginnings of Divine judgement on America and the entire world."

Last week's message on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report was WW III. People need to wake up and hear the truth as to what is going on here. This world and this country is no longer what it has been.

People wake up! The ramifications are gonna hit you smack in the face. Get off the entertainment, get off the TV, get off the secular radio, get off the games and wake up! The sheep are being led to the slaughter. Smart sheep follow the Shepherd. If your a stupid sheep your gonna be slaughtered. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Deception and seduction is all around us! Wake up! You want rock and roll? As Steve Quayle said "It's rock and roll time. God is yet going to shake the Heavens and the earth in His fury." 

Jesus said if we put our faith in Him and stand our ground we will tread on serpents.  Get with it people, stop being complacent and stop allowing the enemy to lull you to sleep concerning these perilous times. 

There is an opportunity for you to listen to this message I am posting in this article. Are you gonna blow it off and continue to walk in your blind, selfish ambitions and turn on MTV or some corrupt and perverse program, or sit back and play your video games and let the hours tick away while your spiritual condition is hanging in the balance, or are you gonna click on the message above and hear what's really happening in this world?

Wake up humanity. We are close to Christ's return. You've heard it said, "get right or get  left."

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh This Wretched Flesh

I am so blown away by how every word of God is so (exactly) true! I say this, because as I follow what His Word tells me is best for my life, I find the result of His promise to be exactly what He said it would be! 

This builds my faith tremendously and makes me believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, those things I have not experienced or seen with my own eyes or touched with my own hands is exactly true as well without doubt. 

Now I must say, although I absolutely believe every word of the Bible, in my flesh, certain things still try to strangle that truth within me. Past hurts and hang-ups make it more difficult for me to trust God with them. My mind and heart know for certain I CAN trust God with them but my will and emotions struggle with that truth.

This is an area in which I need much of God's grace and where I must be on my knees daily before His throne. I must learn to go to Him with these circumstances every moment they rear their ugly heads. And honestly, some days they rise up moment by moment (like that popular bob em'  game for kid's, where the heads are popping up at first one by one and then more quickly they come 1-2-3 at a time). 

I have to remember no matter what I have experienced in this life, at the hands of other sinful creatures like me, I must place my trust in the Lord and not look to sinful man to heal my hurts.

I'm not one to sugar coat things in my life and gloss over them as if they don't matter because (no matter how long the healing takes) healing will not take place if I am unwilling to face the issues, be honest and transparent about them and confront them head on. 

I know I can't do it in my own strength and I have found that only in His presence (when these emotions arise) can I feel any sense of peace over them.

I pray today, if any of you struggle with similar feelings and emotions that you too will find solace at the feet of Jesus where He sits on His throne. The One who has conquered death, hell and the grave and Who intercedes to the Father on our behalf! Praise you Jesus and thank you for your grace, mercy and love that you bestow on your children each day!  

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Seed Time and Harvest: Abide in the Vine - The King's Tranz4md Scribe

Seed Time and Harvest: Abide in the Vine - The King's Tranz4md Scribe

Come visit The King's Tranz4md Scribe. Leave a comment on the blog post and/or join The Trinity Forum. Share a poem, testimony or story that brings glory and honor to our King! Talk about the Trinity as one or post something about one or all three. You don't know whose life you may touch today! When we share in many places there is a greater opportunity to reach souls for Jesus. Hope to see you there!

God bless and keep sharing and shining for our King!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Ministry Review of the Pocket Testament League

"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere," Mark 16:15 (NLT).

These are the very words of Jesus Christ our Lord. When we received the Good News and were saved, we too became filled with the desire and the power from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to do just that.

Many of you already know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior but in fact, out of the many who are saved, several don’t know how or they may feel uncomfortable sharing their faith with others.

If you are one of these people you have just found 'The Pocket' that will eliminate the frustration you have experienced when it comes to sharing your faith publicly. You will find all the information you need at

Evangelism (simply put) is defined in the Scripture verse referenced above. Having that Good News in your pocket when an opportunity arises makes sharing Christ extremely effective and grabs the attention of your listener. Visit the Pocket Testament League and see how this ministry will impact you and those around you in a powerful and dynamic way. Best of all—it’s the right way, guaranteed.

The Pocket Testament League began in 1893 with one young lady named Helen Cadbury. It’s still alive and thriving 119 years later. Wow, that’s amazing but it’s not unbelievable, because they have continued to do exactly what the Lord told us all to do as His followers. Go and tell the Good News.

Are you happy to know you have salvation in your pocket? Then share it with others. You will experience a joy like you’ve never known once you become familiar with the precepts of sharing your faith at the Pocket Testament League.

This was God’s plan for us (from the beginning) and it is our greatest joy to fulfill the Great Commission He has called us to as His children.

The Pocket Testament League is devoted to equip you (the believer) with evangelism tools that will enlighten the road ahead of your journey and prepare you to boldly share your faith with others.

Dive into their free evangelism training course designed to teach you step by step how to reach out to the lost with the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ. Read daily devotionals too and build up your faith as you seek to win souls for His kingdom.

Romans 10:14 says it plainly, how will they know unless you tell them? For His word declares, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who I am, you would ask me, and I would give you living water," John 4:10 (NLT).

So don’t wait another minute, for the Lord’s return is close at hand. Decide today; make it your purpose to tell them how they can have this living water too through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Whose Side Will You Choose?

Remission, redemption, purged, cleansed, renewed, purified, justified, rectified, solidified, indemnified, fortified and upon stepping through the curtain of time that releases mankind from the restraint of his mortality—glorified.

These are all verbs. Action words that move and define the condition and position of all who accept Jesus Christ. Have you taken stock in what these verbs really mean for you? They define the action placed upon your life when you receive the gift Christ offered you on the cross of Calvary. Your action to accept this gift places you in a position to receive life everlasting with a loving Creator who will pour out His blessings on you forever. Who in their right mind would not choose everlasting life?

 That's just it; apart from Christ a person does not have a right mindset. It has been darkened by sin's hold on their life. His word says, "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin," 1 John 1:5-7 (NKJV).

 His word also tells us that today is the day of salvation. "Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, 15 while it is said:

Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion," Hebrews 3:12-15.

The invitation to accept Jesus is for all who will come. Jesus was sent by God to die on the cross to set us free from sin's captivity. God cannot and will not condone sin. In fact He condemns it. Sin is everything God is not which is why He had to look away and turn His back on His Son who took the sin of the whole world upon Himself that we might have life and be cleansed from sin.

 Without choosing the freewill offering God has held out to us by the shed blood, obedience and death of Jesus Christ we are dead in our sins and trespasses. This will afford us a one-way ticket to an everlasting place of condemnation reserved for Satan and his angels and all who choose his side.

So, whose side will you choose? At the FaithWritersJesusPage and FaithWriters websites you will find a wealth of information about the God-man Jesus Christ and God's plan of redemption. Visit these sites now and become new, for today is the day of salvation. Amen!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Want to Live for the Son!

Once a woman of dishonor and disgrace, with an empty and hollow look on her face, void inside as she wandered the street looking for solace from all she would meet. 

Her unfilled heart stayed restless and cold as she squandered her life to fit into a mold. Her daddy had died and left her alone, guidance or discipline she had never known. 

She gave her body to every man she met and they used her in ways she'd grown to regret. Her sorrows and scars were etched deep in her soul, she wondered, if she'd ever be whole. 

Searching for love in every wrong place yet failing to seek the Lord of mercy and grace. Till one day it hit her, she knelt down to cry and saw a blood battered Jesus with a tear in His eye. 

Child, He called, look upon me. I did this for you to set you free. Fill your heart up with the love I have shown so my life in you may be planted and sown. 

Come to the cross and be carried away by a man who will love you and not lead you astray. I will bring comfort to your empty soul by my crucifixion you'll be made whole. 

She cried out to Him I accept what you've done, pardon my sin, I want to live for the Son. From that day forward she was never the same her pardon released her from guilt and shame. 

She carried her cross from that day on, never to return to where she'd once gone. Her heart now bears the burden for souls as she prays for release for whose live's sin controls. 

She still cries out on her knees before God while many say she's peculiar and odd. Yet, she carries on with her cross on her back remembering a time when her life was so black. 

She pleads for deliverance for those who are bound asking God to allow them to find what she's found. A redemptive love of proportions untold, is the love of Christ, the Lamb of God to behold.

Come visit The King's Tranz4md Scribe

Monday, June 11, 2012

Stand Firm on the Whole Doctrine of God's Word

My son Michael and I had a conversation last night about all the crazy and bizarre events that are beginning to take place around the world. He brought up the Zombie Apocalypse that has been aired this past week with incidents of cannibalism in Florida, New Jersey and Maryland. What the heck is going on?

 One answer given by Jerry Robinson from Follow The Money Daily said it could possibly have to do with the food chain. Genetically modified foods have become popular since 1996 and I remember reading an article and having a conversation with my sister about how food is now being tainted with human DNA and being called Frankenstein Food.

 Whatever the case may be it clearly reveals we are entering into perilous times as the Bible described for the latter days. Indeed His return is close at hand.

Keep this scripture reference close to you hearts, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:6-9.

My son was following the words of this scripture reference when he said, "I don't want to think and hear of the negativity going on in the world today I want to think on the good stuff that's happening and how good God is and His love for us." I stand amazed, awed and with a thankful heart at how much wisdom the Lord has poured out to my children over the last several years.

At the same time His word also tells us, "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!" 2 Timothy 3:1-5

We should seek God's wisdom daily to enable us to stand firm on the whole doctrine of God's word through the indwelling power and presence of the Holy Spirit that we may be able to abide in Him until He comes.

God bless you all!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Father's Day Poem for My King

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I thank God for what He has done for me at Calvary and I wanted to post this poetry creation to share my heart with others about my love for Jesus. God bless you all! Happy Father's Day to all dad's everywhere.
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The King's Tranz4md Scribe - Tranz4md Blog

Believe! Time is Running Out! Quit Wobbling on the Fence of Indecision. The King's Tranz4md Scribe - Tranz4md Blog

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Poem: Angels and Demons

Today I would like to share one of the poems I have written that remind us we are not wrestling against the physical but it is a spiritual battle we fight. So put on the whole armor of God and wear it daily because although we have been in this battle down through the ages we have reached the age where bible prophecy is jumping off the pages of God's word like never before. Be prepared to fight the enemy through the mighty power of God.  

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places," Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV).
Angels and demons warring for our souls ever scouring the earth extreme intent on their goals. The empty place bound up in a heart full of sin is where demons begin as they maliciously grin. Prowlin' like lions justa bidin' their time cleverly waitin' to pounce on worn out victims of crime. It's all in the mind it's where it all begins the attack of the enemy for the wages of sin. 

Death is the stench of these demons from hell pursuadin' mankind it's his soul he must sell. Warpin' their thoughts and gettin' under their skin seducin' their minds into believin' they're kin. Creatin' grand illusions in the minds of men to make them stumble and fall time and time again. Twistin' the truth and pervertin' what's right they gnaw and gnash at the souls of men strugglin' to fight.

Though these spiritual battles can't be seen with the eye yet they still exist no matter what we try to deny. Delusions and lies since God's creation of man have been these soul thirsty demons deliberate action and plan. The fate of man's soul will take its ultimate toll if he believes in his mind he's under demon control. A puppet he'll become in this bealzebub's hand and man will do his evil bidding all across the land.

Once he's given Satan access sold his soul to his clan this puppeteer will unfold his diabolical plan. He'll control his little puppet with its strings in his hand and not knowing its fate it will obey his command. He'll devour man's mind at the seat of his soul for it is there that resides a man's God shaped hole. 

To overcome this battle and find rest for man's soul take captive every thought and lay it down surrender control. Wear the armor of God and be ready to fight against these demons from hell that prowl around in the night, for they prey upon the weakness of defenseless men who fail to pray to God to save them from these demons of sin.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we wrestle not against flesh  and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:  Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints," Ephesians 6:10-18.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

RonBWriting: What Did You Hear?

This man of God is an encouragement to my spirit. RonBWriting: What Did You Hear? When I read his blog posts there's always something God speaks to me about. God encourages us "but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord," Ephesians 5:18-19 (NKJV).

I connect with Ron's blog posts. As the scripture reference affirms above when I read his writings they cause me to make melody in my heart to the Lord. Thanks Ron your a blessing!

In today's post he talked about David and Goliath and I want to share a blessing I found last night while working on my website. Visit Sonday Weekly Ezine and watch this little girl as she tells the story of David and Goliath. Too adorable!!!

God bless!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Significance of Cloud Formations

Come visit my blog page at The King's Tranz4md Scribe at His Magnificent Service - Blog and view the slideshow post for today. My husband and I took our usual daily bike ride yesterday with tropical storm Beryl on its way. See this picture that manifested in the clouds. Also click the link within the post and view the cloud patterns people all over the world are catching on film and be amazed. Is God sending us warnings in these cloud formations?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend Is Here

It's Memorial Day weekend and time for us to reflect on the fallen soldiers who lost their lives to protect our country's rights and freedoms from our enemies. Of course I can't help but relate this day to our precious Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life on Good Friday for our ultimate freedom from Satan's power and control of our souls. The freedom Christ offered us at the Cross of Calvary came to fruition on Easter Sunday when He arose from the dead over 2000 years ago as our King of kings and Lord of lords.

But as for the sovereignty of this great nation America, her inhabitants are quickly coming under the hand of judgment from God Almighty. The traitors in her midst (the leaders on the Hill) have turned their backs on the apple of God's eye as they continually attempt to divide Israel. God made it very clear when He said in His word, "He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye," Zechariah 2:8 (NKJV). He also says in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

God will hold true to His promise and I believe we are seeing the judgment upon America happening today. God is releasing His protective hand and giving this nation over into the hands of the enemy for her rebellion against Him. For those of you who don't know about World Net Daily here's an article you might want to read, 'Maybe Doomsday is Near'. This article explains how every decision our American leaders (so-called) made against Israel, a devastating event happened in our nation within 24 hours.

As you enjoy this Memorial Day weekend please do not leave God out of your plans. Invite Him to be in the midst of your family gatherings and give Him the honor and praise He deserves. If you don't know Christ personally I pray He will call you and you will respond to His loving call because I truly believe most of us have no idea what lies ahead for our nation and how soon we will be seeing His return.

God bless!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Boldly Stand For Jesus

Speak out boldly for Jesus. We are living in a day and age when more than ever the truth of Jesus Christ must go forth. The many voices in our world today (claiming their way is the way or their religion is the true religion or self-actualization in realizing that we are gods within ourselves) are feeding us a big bunch of HOGWASH!

Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This is truth. God's word is truth. No other religious book or belief has been 100% accurate in what it purports down through the generations except for one and that is the living, breathing word of God.

We must boldly stand for Jesus today because time is passing quickly. Read this poem 'Boldly Stand For Jesus' (second poem from the left) and commit to sharing the Good News with everyone you know in a world that is trying to steer us toward eternal damnation and away from (the only way) eternal life with Christ Jesus.

Remember Christ's words when He said, "But whoever denies me before men, him I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven," Matthew 10:33 (NKJV).

Don't be a people pleaser but rather please God our Creator.

God bless you all!  

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The King's Tranz4md Scribe at His Magnificent Service

Come add your Christian website to the Top 100 list of Christian sites on the web. Bring more traffic to your site by listing your site here. The King's Tranz4md Scribe at His Magnificent Service

God bless your online ministry as you continue to spread the Good News about our Risen King!

Monday, May 21, 2012

People Get Ready

The urgency is increasing as each day passes to be prepared in our hearts and minds (for the ever increasing closeness) of the transition that will be made from this earthly kingdom to our heavenly kingdom with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This past weekend I listened to bible prophecy expert Jimmy DeYoung as he interviewed European Union expert Dr. Rob Congdon. I get goose bumps all over me when I see the reality of God's word being unfolded right before our eyes on a daily basis.

It reminds me of Luke 21:28 where Jesus is giving the Olivet Discourse and He says, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."

It's drawing near folks. Are you looking up and are your hearts ready for this most important event in the history of the world? I pray each night that the Lord will change hard hearts and draw those who have rejected His gift to Him so that they will escape the terrible fate that awaits them apart from Christ's death on the cross.

Please don't keep pushing God out of your lives. Once this day arrives it will be too late for you. Give your hearts to Jesus. He loves you and longs for you to know Him. Luke 3:5 says, "Behold I stand at the door and knock (the door is your heart). If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me."

Don't leave Him standing on the other side of the door because the age of His grace and mercy on this earth is coming to a close and then His judgement and wrath will begin.

He loves all of us which is why he gave us freewill to choose. I hope you choose His love and receive eternal life with Him and not eternal damnation.

Listen and watch Crystal Lewis sing People Get Ready

God bless you all!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love saves

How famous are the sayings, 'love stinks' and 'love hurts'? I personally would have to agree with the second saying but not the first and I would have to add love saves.

Love hurts. There's no doubt about it. Jesus gave us the understanding that to love is the greatest of all the commandments. Why? Is it because He wanted us to experience pain and heartache and suffer the hurt that loving others brings into our lives? I think the answer is yes. 

Photo credit: angelgranny58
Look at the depth of God's love He showed toward us by sending His Son to this earth. To watch His Son go through the pain of being nailed to a tree at the hands and hearts of hate must have been excruciating to Him. Jesus himself suffered great physical pain on that cross so we could have eternal life with Him and how much heartbreak do you think He experienced when so many rejected Him?

You know what it's like to be rejected or used by someone you love. It hurts terribly. Now multiply that rejection you felt times humanity and try to feel that pain. If we are to ever grow into the likeness of Christ don't you think we must experience some of the same anguish He did. The problem is not many are willing to do so. They would rather run from the pain and remain as they are (or even regress) than to pick up their cross and follow after Him.

Love is long-suffering and although it leaves us vulnerable to hurt (at the hands of hard hearts) we can rest assured in Christ there is a much greater purpose than the hurt we experience. Those who love the Lord and become His servants and do as His word commands will reap a harvest of souls that we have no idea about when we choose to walk in the humility of the kind of love Christ Jesus has for all mankind.

Love does not stink. If it were not for love you and I would be facing an eternity in a fiery pit where we would forever have to endure the stench of burning flesh. Now that stinks!

Grace to you in the love of Jesus friends and God bless you all! 


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prayer Requests - The King's Tranz4md Scribe at His Magnificent Service

Prayer Requests - The King's Tranz4md Scribe at His Magnificent Service

If you have a burden and you would like others to pray with you concerning your needs please click on the link above. We will partner with you and bring it before the Lord for His will to be done concerning your situation.

God bless!

Two Schools of Thought

Please visit this link and consider the importance of understanding the kind of reasoning that matters. This reasoning is based on fact and truth. Fact and truth of God's word is the only truth.

The mind of reasoning that produces anything substantial or meaningful is the mind that reasons with God. "Come now and let us reason together," says the Lord, Isaiah 1:18 (NKJV).

The Great Deception is underway in our world and I pray humanity will open their ears and eyes to the relevant truth, the only truth that matters because it is based on 100% fact.